Chiropractic is a drug-free healthcare discipline that focuses on disorders and dysfunction of our musculoskeletal and nervous systems, and their effects on general health. Traditionally, chiropractic care is well known for resolving symptoms including back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs (including sciatic pain), and headaches.
In a specialty office like Indian Trail Chiropractic & Rehab, the list of conditions treated is far-reaching. We commonly treat sports-related injuries, soft tissue conditions (muscle, ligament, and tendons), extremity issues, and biomechanical imbalances just to name a few.
When To See A Chiropractor
You will often hear our chiropractors say, “If it hurts when you move it, it is likely a chiropractic problem”. These are general rules of thumb when deciding if a chiropractor is a right solution for your pain or injury. When you have pain or injury relating to your neck, back, or other joints of your body we recommend that you seek our expert opinion first
How Our Chiropractic Care Plan Works
More than just an examination, our state-of-the-art technology gets to the root cause of the problem. This holistic approach tackles chronic issues for lasting results.
Using your health goals as a destination, we draw a unique map that relies on evidence-based results to deliver long-term solutions to your health challenges.
You were meant to accomplish incredible things, and that requires your full participation. Indian Trail is simply the launch pad for the fantastic journey that is to come. We’ll prepare you to embrace it fearlessly so you can out perform the competition.
Joint Dysfunction
Ultrasound is often used to provide deep heating to soft tissue structures in the body. Deep heating tendons, muscles, or ligaments increases circulation to those tissues, which is thought to help the healing process. Increasing tissue temperature with ultrasound is also used to help decrease pain. Deep heating can also be used to increase the “stretchiness” of muscles and tendons that may be tight.
Adjustments Defined
Chiropractors are experts in the diagnosis and manual manipulation. They have extensive training in the specific and highly efficient adjustments that produce results quickly. All treatments are tailored to each patient. However, most patients will benefit from traditional, chiropractic adjustments. Manual adjustments can be further defined as a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust (HVLA), which means a very quick impulse, delivered to a highly-targeted joint complex that moves a very small distance. HVLA adjustments are very safe, and very efficient when indicated.
Solving Your Pain
We have specialized training in the areas of sports injury, prenatal, and pediatrics. Weare able to diagnose and solve conditions beyond neck and back pain. Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, low risk, highly effective, and efficient treatment for a variety of ailments including but not limited to:
- Back & Neck Pain
- Headaches
- Arm & Leg Pain
- Posture
- Scoliosis
- Sports Injuries
- Sports Performance Care / Mobility
- Auto Accident Care
- Pregnancy / Prenatal Care
- Growing Pains/Pediatrics
- Birth trauma in infants
- Wellness Care
- Pediatric Care
- TMJ/Jaw Pain
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Tennis Elbow / Tendonitis
- Knee Pain
- Shoulder / Rotator Cuff Pain
- Disc Herniations / Bulges
Chiropractic Education
Chiropractors hold a four-year post-graduate doctorate degree and are board-certified and licensed by the state to diagnose, manage, and treat hundreds of conditions. In forming a diagnosis, chiropractors perform a thorough history, physical exam, and are licensed to order tests including X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, lab tests, and others. Our doctor is licensed to perform spinal manipulation, physical therapy modalities, soft tissue treatment, conduct rehabilitation exercises, make custom fit orthotics, as well as counsel on nutrition and body biomechanics. Chiropractors are primary care physicians. However, chiropractors are not licensed to prescribe medications or perform surgical procedures.
Chiropractic Treatments / Prognosis
One of the most often asked questions, how many times will I need to be adjusted or see my chiropractor? The answer varies due to a wide range of variables. There is no “one size fits all” answer. Treatment can be looked at in three different phases.
Phase 1: Acute care- Initial care/Stabilization- Inflammation and pain control
Phase 2: Corrective care-repair and remodeling or fixing the root cause of the problem.
Phase 3: Wellness care
The timeline for healing varies by individual and by injury. The typical timeline for an injury with inflammation to stabilize is 4 weeks. Our timelines are always built upon the body’s healing timeline. including repair and remodeling phases. Receiving treatment during the remodeling phase ensures that the injury will heal with the maximum amount of stability and minimal chance for recurrence. A few things that help our patients heal faster:
- If they present for treatment as soon as a symptom appears.
- If they remain consistent with their personalized care plan.
- If they convey symptoms and mechanism of injury as factually as possible.
- If they follow specific, home-care instructions during their treatment plan.
Chiropractic Wellness Care
It is hard to overstate the value of routine, maintenance care for your body. Joint mobility, muscle and ligament tone, inflammation, immune system health, and nerve function are all profoundly affected by regular attention from a chiropractor. We will recommend a regular, collaborative approach for you, depending on your history, goals, and preferences. Our typical recommendation is to schedule an adjustment monthly! Our more competitive athletes and physical laborers may prefer adjustments every 1-3 weeks.
Check Out Our Location Near You
100 Park Road East, Indian Trail, NC 28079
Why Chiropractic Thrives
Effective. Because the nervous system controls every part of your body, and chiropractic care restores nervous system integrity, chiropractic care helps a wide range of health care problems.
Natural. Simply put, chiropractic care doesn’t add chemicals to your body. And it doesn’t remove parts. Instead, chiropractic care seeks to restore proper control and regulation of your body so health can return, naturally.
Safe. Chiropractic care is so safe, even newborns get adjusted to correct the spinal trauma from the birth process!
No side effects. The only “side effects” are positive ones like better balance, more energy, increased vitality, and improved coordination. Smart choice. It makes sense to correct the underlying cause rather than numb the body with drugs.
If you know someone who you think we could help, please send them our way, or at least share these reasons why chiropractic care makes sense.
Continuing Your Care
How long do you intend to brush your teeth? Probably the rest of your life, right? How come after brushing your teeth yesterday, you’ll likely brush your teeth today, tomorrow, and next week?
Is it because your teeth hurt? Because you have a cavity? Probably not.
It’s one of the good, healthy habits you’ve developed. Maybe you like how your mouth feels after brushing. Or you want to avoid painful visits to your dentist. Or you want to prevent the social stigma of bad breath.
Even with this daily maintenance and prevention, you’ll probably visit your dentist from time to time. Yet, no one ever observes, “Once you go to a dentist, you have to go for the rest of your life.” This issue is often raised by those who don’t understand the preventive nature of chiropractic.
We’re committed to detecting and reducing the effects of physical, emotional, and chemical stresses on your spine and nervous system. For as long as you experience them. Which for most of us, will be for the rest of our lives!
Five Ways To Benefit
There’s a lot of talk about Wellness Care these days. But what is it? Compare it with other types of care:
Relief Care
Many people begin here. Pain prompts them to begin chiropractic care. If you stop care as soon as you feel better, you’ll invite a relapse. Muscles and soft tissues heal after symptoms disappear.
Corrective Care
With the most obvious symptoms reduced, many of our practice members opt to continue their care. This helps stabilize and strengthen their spine. Some insurance companies recognize the value of corrective care, but many do not.
Maintenance Care
Regular chiropractic care helps maintain your progress and avoid a relapse. Your visit schedule varies based on your age, condition, and stress in your life.
Preventive Care
Beyond maintenance is the realm of prevention. Periodic chiropractic checkups can help catch new problems early. This can minimize flare-ups. Those who value their health often take this proactive approach.
Wellness Care
We experience life through our nervous system. That’s why optimizing our nervous system is the key to becoming all that we can be.